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Mesothelioma and the Chemotherapy Drug Carboplatin

Carboplatin is a second-generation chemotherapy drug to its parent, cisplatin. Like cisplatin, carboplatin belongs to a group of drugs referred to as alkylating agents. Carboplatin is an altered form of cisplatin but has been broadly preferred over its parent drug due to the considerable decrease in the severity of the side effects experienced by cancer patients.

Carboplatin was approved for the treatment of certain cancers, including mesothelioma, by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) in 1989. Development of carboplatin was led by the same research team at Michigan State University that discovered cisplatin’s effectiveness as an anticancer drug. The drug was originally marketed by Bristol-Myers Squibb under the name Paraplatin®. The patent for carboplatin expired in 2004, which has led to the availability of several generic forms of the drug.

Helping Clients Get Information About Mesothelioma Treatment Options

At the law firm of Wallace & Graham, P.A., we have a well-earned reputation as tireless advocates on behalf of mesothelioma victims and their families. From our offices in Salisbury, North Carolina, we handle cases.

We understand the urgency many people feel to find information about mesothelioma and treatment options once a diagnosis is made. We have assembled the following information about carboplatin to give clients a starting point in their searches. Please use the links below to learn more.

Always consult with your doctor and/or oncologist before beginning any chemotherapy treatment regimen.

Discuss Your Mesothelioma Claim With an Attorney

Mesothelioma litigation is the primary focus of our practice. Call 1-800-849-5291 or contact us online for a free case evaluation. Our experienced and skilled asbestos lawyers will explain your rights and fight for you.