North Carolina Roundup Lawsuit Attorney

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What is Roundup, and Why is It Harmful?

You may have heard the name “Roundup,” but you’re not entirely sure what it is. You heard rumors that it may be harmful, but why? What exactly is this substance?

At Wallace & Graham, P.A., our goal is to both educate you and advocate for you. If you simply want to learn more, read on. Or, if you believe you or a loved one may have been injured by Roundup, reach out to our Salisbury office at 800-849-5291 for a free case evaluation. We want to help.

best north carolina roundup lawsuit attorney

It’s An Herbicide

Roundup is a brand of herbicide manufactured by the company Monsanto. It has been on the market since 1974. Like many other herbicides, it is sprayed on crops, produce, golf courses and other types of greenery to keep the weeds down.

Some herbicides kill every plant they touch. However, Roundup is considered a selective herbicide, meaning that it doesn’t destroy the crop it’s sprayed on – it only eliminates the surrounding weeds. This is where genetically modified organisms (GMOs) come into play. GMO crops are specifically engineered to withstand the effects of certain herbicides and pesticides. Essentially, these GMO plants are immune to Roundup.

It Contains Glyphosate

One of the primary ingredients in Roundup is a chemical called glyphosate. While human beings are not weeds and don’t immediately shrivel when exposed to this chemical, it doesn’t mean we are completely immune to its effects. Various studies have produced very concerning results. While Monsanto declares that its product is safe, not all scientists agree. In fact, the reported health problems are extensive.

Talk With Our North Carolina Roundup Lawsuit Lawyers To Learn More

Learn more about Roundup and the lawsuits related to it, and discover your legal rights. Contact Wallace & Graham, P.A. in North Carolina at 800-849-5291 or email our lawyers today. We charge only contingency fees for these kinds of cases, which means you pay us nothing unless we successfully recover compensation for you. You have nothing to lose and everything to gain.

Recent Roundup Lawsuits In The U.S.

Across the country, more than 1,100 people have filed lawsuits against Monsanto, the maker of the weed-killer Roundup. The lawsuits assert that exposure to this toxic product caused non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma, a type of cancer. These cancer victims and their families hope to hold Monsanto accountable for its failure to warn the public of the potential dangers associated with glyphosate, the main chemical in Roundup.

Likewise, Wallace & Graham, P.A. also cares about combating the corporate giant Monsanto on behalf of innocent individuals and families who have suffered harm. From our offices in Salisbury, North Carolina, we are available to represent clients nationwide. Feel free to call us at 800-849-5291 to speak with our North Carolina roundup lawsuit lawyers about your particular situation and your legal options.

We believe that anyone who developed cancer as a result of Roundup exposure deserves full and fair compensation. Our attorneys are passionate about fighting for the money and medical care our clients need.

Monsanto Knew About The Dangers For Decades

According to records that have come to light in the recent lawsuits against Monsanto , the company has been aware of the link between Roundup exposure and cancer for more than three decades.

In all that time, however, the company has never yet admitted that its product is unsafe for humans. It’s done quite the opposite. Some evidence indicates that Monsanto actually falsified data and intentionally mislead consumers, making it seem like Roundup was perfectly harmless – contrary to scientific studies.

Who May Have A Claim?

Anyone who has regularly come into contact with Roundup and has has been diagnosed with non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma within the past three years as a result may have a valid claim. People who are often exposed to this weed killer include:

  • Farmers and farm employees
  • Gardeners
  • Landscapers
  • Employees of garden centers and plant nurseries
  • Golf course workers

Learn more about the litigation surrounding Roundup and similar products. Call Wallace & Graham, P.A. at 800-849-5291 or contact our lawyers online. The first consultation is absolutely free.

Roundup Has Been Linked To Health Problems

Roundup is the brand name of one of the most popular weed-killers on the market. Every year, farmers, groundskeepers and others use close to 250 million pounds of this substance.

However, just because a substance is prevalent doesn’t automatically mean that it’s safe. The fact is that some scientific studies have shown a frightening link between glyphosate (one of the main chemicals in Roundup) and a variety of serious health problems.

It May Cause Cancer, Kidney Disease And Much More

Class action lawsuits have been brought against Monsanto, the manufacturer of Roundup. These lawsuits are on behalf of individuals who have developed various types of cancer after being exposed to high levels of this herbicide. Exposure to Roundup may potentially caused Non-Hodgkin lymphoma.

Were Your Health Issues Caused By Roundup?

Have you been diagnosed with Non-Hodgkin lymphoma and suspect it is related to your exposure to Roundup? It’s possible. You won’t know for sure until you talk with a professional who can assess the facts of your case.

But if you have been harmed by this and other toxic products, we are passionate about helping you. With decades of experience apiece, our founding attorneys are trial-ready advocates you can count on. Call us at 800-849-5291 or contact our firm online today for a free initial consultation.

Studies Illustrate The Dangers Of Roundup

The active substance in the weed-killer Roundup is called glyphosate. Every year, farmers, gardeners and others use approximately 250 million pounds of this chemical on corn and other crops. If 250 million pounds sounds like a lot, it is. The amount of glyphosate being used across the country has skyrocketed by 10,000 percent since the 1970s.

So is this product actually safe to use on our crops? At Wallace & Graham, P.A. in North Carolina, we firmly believe that the answer is “No.” Here are a few reasons why:

  • Studies conducted on normal human lymphocytes (a type of white blood cell supporting the immune system) showed that exposure to Roundup caused damage to their DNA.
  • Biologist Fernando Manas studied workers in Argentina’s soy bean industry who were repeatedly exposed to glyphosate-based products. He reported evidence of DNA damage.
  • The Pontifical Catholic University studied people in Ecuador who worked with Roundup. The results showed DNA damage in addition to various health problems ranging from sleeplessness to heart palpitations.
  • In 2004, the National Scientific Research Center and the University of Pierre and Marie Curie found that the cumulative effects of Roundup affected the development of cancer in sea urchin embryos.
  • In 2015, the International Agency for Research on Cancer analyzed 44 different research studies and concluded that individuals who were exposed to Roundup were twice as likely to develop non-Hodgkin lymphoma.

Learn More By Talking With Our North Carolina Roundup Lawsuit Lawyers

Learn more about what makes Roundup and other pesticides so dangerous, and discover your rights if you’ve been injured by it. Contact Wallace & Graham, P.A. at 800-849-5291 or contact our attorneys online. We can answer your questions and advise you about how to proceed.

What is Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma (NHL)?

Non-Hodgkin lymphoma (NHL) is a type of cancer that affects lymphocytes, which are a type of white blood cell responsible for fighting infections.

At Wallace & Graham, P.A., we are available to represent individuals in North Carolina and nationwide who have developed NHL after being exposed to a pesticide such as Roundup. We encourage you to contact our North Carolina Roundup Lawsuit attorneys at for a free case evaluation: 800-849-5291.

Two Different Types Of Lymphocytes Can Be Affected

The type of lymphocytes that develop into non-Hodgkin lymphoma will determine the type of treatment you need. The two main types of lymphocytes are B cells (which produce antibodies to fight bacteria and viruses) and T cells (which destroy abnormal cells and otherwise assist other immune system cells).

Diffuse large B cell lymphoma is the most common type of aggressive, fast-spreading NHL in the country. However, regardless of whether it grows quickly or slowly, NHL can eventually spread throughout the body’s lymph system and harm vital organs such as the brain or liver.

How Many People Get NHL?

According to the American Cancer Society, more than 72,000 people are estimated to develop NHL in 2017. More than 20,000 are expected to die from it.

NHL is not restricted to adults. It also affects many children and teens every year.

Common Symptoms

The symptoms of Non-Hodgkin lymphoma (NHL) can vary greatly, depending on the location and the exact type of lymphoma. Some people experience no symptoms at all until the lymphoma becomes very large.

Following are some of the most common warning signs:

Swollen lymph nodes, which caused raised bumps on the sides of the throat, under the arms, in the groin area or above the collar bone

  • Fever or chills
  • Weight loss
  • Swollen belly and lack of appetite
  • Extreme tiredness
  • Pain in the chest
  • Coughing or shortness of breath
  • Easy bleeding or bruising
  • Frequent infections

Do You Deserve Compensation?

If you or a loved one were diagnosed non-Hodgkin lymphoma within the past three years after being exposed to chemicals in Roundup (such as glyphosate), you may have the right to financial compensation. Get a free case evaluation today by calling Wallace & Graham, P.A. at 800-849-5291, or by contacting our Salisbury attorneys online. We’re here to help.

What Are GMO Foods?

When you go grocery shopping, you may notice that certain foods are labeled as “non-GMO.” But what does this mean? And why should you care?

GMO stands for “genetically modified organism.” Scientists have learned how to extract genes from the DNA of a certain plant (or animal, bacteria, etc.) and essentially force them into a different plant. A GMO food is one that has had its DNA genetically changed, typically to accomplish a particular goal.

Why Do Scientists Want To Modify Plant Genes?

It’s tough to grow crops when the farmers have to constantly fight the encroaching weeds. This is one of the main reasons for the astonishing increase in GMO seeds in the last few decades.

The corporate giant Monsanto, for example, has created a version of corn that is genetically modified to survive being sprayed with Roundup. The idea is that the glyphosate in Roundup will kill everything except the corn plants. And it works very, very well.

So What’s The Problem?

Here’s the problem: Human beings aren’t corn plants. We aren’t genetically engineered to withstand the effects of glyphosate. Although Monsanto has claimed for years that Roundup doesn’t harm people, many studies suggest otherwise. In fact, a significant number of workers exposed to Roundup have later developed a type of cancer called non-Hodgkin lymphoma.

What Foods Contain GMOs?

There are countless foods on the market that contain GMO ingredients. However, here are three of the most prevalent:

  • Corn (corn oil, cornmeal, etc.)
  • Soy (tofu, soybean oil, soy milk, etc.)
  • Sugar (sugar beets, white sugar, etc.)

Our Firm Stands Up For Those Injured By Toxic Substances

Questions about GMO foods, toxic exposure and cancer? We encourage you to call Wallace & Graham, P.A. at 800-849-5291 or contact our lawyers online. The initial consultation is free, so don’t wait.

From our office in Salisbury, North Carolina, our attorneys represent injury victims across the U.S.

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