Caring for your mental health with mesothelioma

Mesothelioma is a difficult diagnosis. Like many, you may not have considered mesothelioma as a possibility for why you did not feel well in the first place.

Facing a diagnosis like mesothelioma can be challenging for you and your loved ones. As you decide how you want to move forward with treatment, it can be hard to also care for your mental wellbeing.

Here are a few ways to support your mental health while learning to cope with your diagnosis.

Being ok with not being ok

Cancer of any type is a difficult diagnosis. It can be especially challenging with mesothelioma since the prognosis tends to be bleak.

As you move forward through the weeks and months following your diagnosis, you may find yourself going through many different emotions. In one moment, you may feel like you have everything together, and in the next, you may feel like you are falling apart. All of these feelings are part of the normal process of dealing with your diagnosis.

Depending on your relationships with those around you, you may feel the need to put on a brave face. However, this can make coping with your emotional needs more difficult.

Setting boundaries

After you find out you have mesothelioma, you may alternate between feeling like you need to tell everyone in your circle of family and friends and wanting to avoid the conversation. You may also feel like you are supposed to take one action or the other.

When facing a difficult diagnosis, it is important to check in with yourself to determine what is best for you. On the one hand, sharing that you have mesothelioma with close friends and family can give you the support you need. However, you may fear they will always want to discuss your diagnosis.

Setting boundaries with your loved one when you share what you are going through is crucial. Keep in mind that you can tell them when you would prefer to talk about something else or ask if you can share what you are going through.

Getting professional support

There are many options when you are looking for mental health support. Some professionals help people with a specific diagnosis. Caring for your mental health during this time can significantly impact your quality of life.