Mesothelioma victim pursuing additional damages from Ford

The legal process of pursuing compensation for asbestos-related illnesses can be complicated and overwhelming, especially considering the fact that people are already dealing with devastating health conditions.

However, it is important for victims and their families to remember that in many cases, mesothelioma and other illnesses caused by asbestos exposure are linked to the actions or inactions of negligent parties. Identifying all the sources of negligence and pursuing all available avenues for compensation can be much easier to do with the help of an experienced attorney. That is the route one man took in holding Ford Motor Co. and other parties accountable for negligence that led to his mesothelioma diagnosis.

Reports indicate that the man had already been awarded $1.5 million for certain damages and legal expenses when he decided to also pursue punitive damages from Ford. He claimed that the automaker knew about the risks associated with asbestos exposure but they failed to take the appropriate steps to warn people like the man who worked with brake products manufactured by Ford.

Even though the dangers of asbestos were known as far back as the 1950s, Ford failed to include a warning on their brake parts until 1980. During those years, many people were vulnerable to the devastating impact of breathing in asbestos fibers.

Now decades later, people just like the man in this case are being diagnosed with asbestos-related illnesses and dealing with the cost of negligent practices long ago. In addition to lost wages, medical bills and legal expenses, victims are also dealing with the pain and suffering of a devastating and ultimately fatal condition. Besides the damages already awarded in this recent case, a state Supreme Court has ruled that the man can also pursue punitive damages.

Asbestos-related litigation can be confusing and intimidating to people all across North Carolina. Working through the process of pursuing much-needed and deserved compensation with an attorney can provide victims and their families with support and experience.

Source:, “Mechanic can sue Ford for further damages in asbestos case,” Bob Egelko, July 9, 2014