Could an aspirin a day keep mesothelioma away?

Mesothelioma is a truly devastating illness that affects many of the millions of people who have been exposed to asbestos. Despite the extensive research and testing that has taken place over the years, there is still no cure for mesothelioma.

However, ongoing research has resulted in the identification of treatments that can ease the symptoms of mesothelioma and extend the lives of people who suffer from the serious condition. One such treatment option may be found right inside our medicine cabinets.

According to the results of a study conducted by University of Hawaii Cancer Center researchers, taking one aspirin a day could help to slow down the grown of mesothelioma by blocking inflammatory molecules that allow the disease to progress. Essentially, the aspirin was found to delay the growth of mesothelioma tumors in mice.

Whether the same results can be replicated in humans remains to be seen, but the initial findings certainly are interesting. Currently, treatments for mesothelioma are much more sophisticated and invasive. Surgery, radiation and chemotherapy are all potential courses of treatment that may be ordered for patients with mesothelioma.

People who have mesothelioma or have lost a loved one from the illness know that it can be a particularly painful condition. It is often very aggressive and some people pass away very shortly after a diagnosis because treatment may no longer be effective.

This study could provide critical data regarding how we may be able to delay the growth of mesothelioma before it becomes too advanced to treat. If slowing down the progress of mesothelioma could be done just by taking an aspirin, it could extend the life expectancy of victims and give them more time to seek effective treatment.

In the meantime, it can still be crucial for people who have been exposed to asbestos and are concerned about their health to discuss their situation with a doctor.

Source: Consumer Affairs, “Researchers find that aspirin can be effective at fighting mesothelioma,” Christopher Maynard, July 7, 2015