Former NFL pro Merril Hoge files suit over Roundup cancer issue

The potentially serious medical risks associated with glyphosate use have become increasingly well-known in recent months. The mainstream media has begun to pay attention to the dangers of this ubiquitous chemical, as several major lawsuits have ruled in the favor of plaintiffs who alleged that the compound, a major ingredient in the weed killer Roundup, caused their serious cancers.

Certain forms of lymphoma, non-Hodgkin’s in particular, have a correlation with repeated and prolonged exposure to Roundup’s main ingredient, glyphosate. Monsanto, the company that developed the compound, has continued to deny that glyphosate is dangerous or poses a risk to the public.

Their refusal to warn people about the potentially cancer-causing properties of the spray is the cornerstone of a major lawsuit that includes the celebrity this time.

Former professional athlete claims major damages

Merril Hoge was once an NFL running back before head injuries forced him to retire in the 1990s. Years after he ended his time in the NFL, he received a diagnosis of non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma, which he now believes relates to his use of Roundup in the 1970s while living in Idaho.

Hoge is one of more than 18,000 people across the United States who are taking legal action against Monsanto for their failure to warn the public about the potential cancer risk associated with Roundup. Many people and companies would have used alternative herbicides or weed control methods if they were aware of the risks that Roundup posed to the public.

That is the crux of Hoge’s lawsuit, as he maintains that he would not have used Roundup or glyphosate if he had known that it would later potentially cause an increase in his risk for cancer. Juries have recently sided with several plaintiffs in high-profile cases.

It will likely be many months before Hoge sees his day in court, but Monsanto may be staring down the barrel of substantial financial losses in the upcoming years as more of these cases work their way through the court system.

Is your illness or the loss of a loved one related to Roundup use?

Whether you received the diagnosis of non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma or lost a loved one to a cancer that you now believe relates to the use of Roundup or glyphosate exposure, you may have grounds to take action against Monsanto just like Hoge has.

It’s important to understand that these kinds of medical cases, particularly those where there is a long delay between chemical exposure and diagnosis, can be difficult to develop and support. If you believe you may have the right to sue Monsanto, sitting down to talk with an attorney who understands this delicate and complex area is likely in your best interest.