Asbestos FAQ: What you need to know

For many years, the use of asbestos in the construction industry was quite common. In the past, this was used as both an insulating material and flame retardant.

Over time, it was found that asbestos could cause serious health concerns, such as the onset of mesothelioma later in life.

What is mesothelioma?

While you may not know much about mesothelioma, this is a serious disease that can lead to advanced illness and eventual death. In short, this is when the cells in the abdominal cavity and chest divide without control. As a result, the cancerous cells may invade other parts of the body, making it a challenge to receive effective treatment.

Why does exposure occur?

Even though asbestos is no longer used in the construction injury, exposure is still a major problem. Since the asbestos fibers are light and thin, they can remain suspended in the air for an extended period of time. The most common forms of asbestos exposure include:

  • Occupational exposure, such as a construction worker making direct contact with asbestos
  • Neighborhood exposure, such as if you live in close proximity to a work site with asbestos materials
  • Para-occupational exposure, such as when a family member brings home asbestos fibers from one’s place of employment

What next?

If you have any reason to believe that asbestos exposure has lead to mesothelioma, you could consult with your medical team. They can run the tests necessary to identify your health concern and implement the best treatment strategy.

As you fight the disease, you should turn your attention to how it came about. With a bit of digging around, you may be able to pinpoint the source of your asbestos exposure.

Depending on the circumstances, you could find yourself in position to seek compensation for your mesothelioma diagnosis and related issues. It’s not always easy to determine where you came in contact with asbestos, but a look at your past may turn up all the information you need to better understand what went wrong. This will help you formulate your legal strategy for the future.