Workers in the automotive industry: avoid the dangers of asbestos

If you work on cars, you know that it can take a lot of hours and skill to build or repair any one of the many parts on the vehicle. All this effort can truly pay off when a car is finished or starts running properly again, but for some people, this comes at a very high price.

Many people who work in the automotive industry may be at risk of developing mesothelioma or lung cancer as a result of being exposed to asbestos used in automotive products. This is because the fiber has been used in car brakes and clutches for many years. Even though newer cars may not be made with asbestos, it can still be found in older models and replacement parts.

The Occupational Safety and Health Administration has in place several guidelines for automotive workers in order to prevent or minimize exposure to asbestos. According to OSHA, people who work on cars should:

  • Wet down materials before removing or replacing them to keep asbestos from being released into the air
  • Use a vacuum to quickly clean up any dust or debris
  • Properly dispose of cloths that have been used to wipe down asbestos-containing products
  • Understand the risks of asbestos exposure
  • Be properly trained in appropriate asbestos removal and disposal processes
  • Wear protective clothing to keep asbestos particles off the skin, hair and clothes

These can help people who work on cars to minimize the chances that they can be exposed to dangerous levels of asbestos.

However, if you have already been exposed to asbestos or suspect that you were at some point, it can be vital to talk to your doctor. You can also explore your options for workers’ compensation and/or a negligence claim with an Automotive Workers Mesothelioma Lawyer.